Motor Encyclopedia: on the YX3 motor energy efficiency of small secret

|2016-03-24 15:00|7559 view

Recently, a user reflect new YX3, motor sample efficiency values than the old version YX3 sample efficiency value has dropped significantly, new YX3 efficiency value and Yp2 quite, the customer in the control samples after think: high-efficiency motors and ordinary Yp2 compared to the motor efficiency value is not much improved. However, what exactly is the matter?

First: Yp2 series conform to GB 18613-2006 "medium miniature three-phase asynchronous motor energy efficiency limit value" three efficiency (2006 version of the old standard of three-level efficiency), efficiency level equivalent to IEC60034-30 standard efficiency IE1, the standard has been abolished, prohibited use, this series motor efficiency by indirect loss analysis method (E), stray loss according to the input power of 0.5% of fixed value calculation.

Second: the old version YX3 conform to GB 18613-2012 "medium miniature three-phase asynchronous motor energy efficiency limit value" secondary efficiency (2006 version of the old standard secondary energy efficiency, efficiency is equivalent to IEC60034-30 high-efficiency IE2 and indirect efficiency loss analysis method (E), stray loss also by 0.5% fixed value calculation.

Third: new YX3 and Ye2 efficiency in line with GB 18613-2012 "medium miniature three-phase asynchronous motor energy efficiency limit value" three efficiency (2012 edition of the new standard three energy efficiency), the efficiency is equivalent to IEC60034-30 high-efficiency IE2 and efficiency of the measurement of input - output power loss (method B) stray loss according to the measured value.

From the above analysis, we can see that the problem is because countries in different periods of manufacturing standard in testing the efficiency of the method has changed, the 2006 version of the efficiency of standard by e method to measure to determine the efficiency of, 2012 edition national standard efficiency using B method measured the stray loss to determine the efficiency of the motor, based on past experience, the measured stray loss (method B) to than calculate the stray loss of 0.5% (E), so in the formulation of new gb18613-2012. In order to maintain a considerable level of efficiency, efficiency of the standard numerical than the old version have varying degrees of decline.

Test analysis, using B method to measure the stray loss was 1.8%, the e method calculating fixed value is 0.5%, the testing efficiency of the two methods value difference of 1.3%, so 11kw if 2012 new version of the test method, the measured efficiency values, YX3 old version for 91.0%-1.3%=89.7%, Yp2 for 88.4%-1.3%=87.1%.

One: from the standard value point of view, although the YX3 (new version) and the efficiency of the standard YP2 value is close to, but the measured efficiency of TX3 than the YP2 efficiency of 2.7% (89.8%-87.1%).

2: currently on the market have efficiency in some sample value of the 2006 version of the efficiency criteria values, belonging to the standard has been abolished, does not meet the national standard GB 18613-2012 "medium miniature three-phase asynchronous motor energy efficiency limit value".



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