Anhui Wannan motor manufacturers on the characteristics of electrostatic motor

|2015-07-30 09:05|4278 view

First, compared with the electromagnetic motor, electric motor energy conversion efficiency is high. Therefore, the electric field energy density of the small size of the electric motor can be compared with the magnetic field energy density of the electromagnetic motor.

Second, from the structure, the structure of the electric motor is simple, the electric field intensity generated by the electrode surface is independent of the thickness of the electrode, and the cross-sectional area of the electrode and the distribution can be very small.

Third, electrostatic motor in electric field strength only by insulating material properties limited, reduced in size does not affect the electric field intensity, force and is proportional to the surface area, typically insulating material size is small, the strong performance. According to Pahin (Paschen) law, the smaller the gap, the electric field intensity generated by the air electric spark increases sharply. For example, the silicon oxide film of this insulation material, the insulation strength of up to a few hundred mm kV/.

Based on the characteristics of the electrostatic motor, the research on the small sized electrostatic motor is started. With the rapid development of electronic technology, silicon processing technology gradually mature, integrated circuit processing size can be deep submeter. In this context, of the University of California at Berkeley Muller in 1987 proposed fabricated in 1 m ~ in the range of 1 mm to silicon integrated technology based with intelligent structure of MEMS concept. By 1989, the students of the L. S. fan et al successfully in silico produce diameter of 120 m electrostatic motors (its structure as shown in Figure 7). From then on, the development of electrostatic motor is mainly concentrated in the ultra micro structure. .



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