Common malfunction of capacitor motor

|2015-07-28 10:37|3686 view

Capacitor motor is equipped with the capacitor can not be used in place of the electrolytic capacitor, even its capacity, pressure value for can not substitute. Electrolytic capacitor is the "polarity capacitor" of the lead anode and the negative electrode, which can only be used in DC or pulse circuits, and can not be used in AC circuits. And the electric motor with the capacitor is used for AC circuit in the "non polarity capacitor". In order to ensure the rated power of the motor, and can start and run well, higher requirements on the capacitor with. In repair, be sure to use high quality capacitors, but can not change the capacity of the capacitor is a common failure of circuit, short circuit, capacity loss, failure.

With the quality of motor capacitor, can with the check list of the high barrier. The multimeter is allocated to R * 1K block and two pens are respectively connected to the capacitors of the two threads, pay attention to the pointer swing: normal capacitor detection. First the pointer moves to the right with larger amplitude of swing, and then slowly returned to close to the left of the starting position. Capacitor is detected, if the pointer does not move, inside the capacitor with the opening of the show, if the needle right swing to zero ohm position, never to return. Show that capacitance in the short; the needle swinging to the right, can not be returned to the infinite resistance position, indicating that the capacitor leakage; angle of the needle swinging to the right of the table is small, show that the capacity of the capacitor has receded. Appear above these circumstances, the measured capacitor can not be used again. 



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