The principle of selection of Anhui Wannan motor manufacturers to decrypt the permanent magnet DC motor

|2015-07-15 09:28|3179 view

1 reasonable choice of motor power

Maximum power output of the motor is limited, if the power of the motor is chosen too small, the load exceeds the rated output power of the motor will motor overload, overload will motor heating, vibration, speed reduction, sound abnormal phenomenon, serious over load, will burn motor. The power is too large, it will cause economic waste. So it is very important to reasonably select the power of the motor.

2 size selection

Often due to the actual production of the product specifications are not many, to increase the difficulty of the selection of products. In the choice of product specifications can be considered: in the power supply voltage adjustable occasions, according to the actual need to select the rated torque, speed and the corresponding value close to the specifications, by changing the voltage to obtain the required speed; in fixed voltage power supply of the occasion, if no proper specifications of products for selection, according to the torque of an appropriate size, and between the voltage and speed of product can make appropriate adjustments.

3 types of options

High efficiency, low cost, low temperature, and low temperature and low efficiency of the ferrite permanent magnet DC motor. Only when the performance requirements are strict, small size and high ambient temperature, we will consider the use of aluminum and nickel cobalt permanent magnet DC motor or rare earth permanent magnet DC motor.



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